Every day, businesses are at risk from threats like cyberattacks, malicious codes, malfunctions, and more. If a data breach occurs, it’s always best to be prepared beforehand. When this impacts customers, it undermines their confidence in a company. Once a business loses its trustworthy reputation, it is at risk of collapse. This is why security should always be a top priority for businesses owners.
If you’re looking for ways to protect your investment, here are the five most common security issues businesses face and how you can prevent them.
1. Ransomware
Ransomware allows cyber criminals to encrypt sensitive data and make it inaccessible. Then, they force companies to purchase back their own information so it can be retrieved. Unfortunately, this coerces business owners to either pay the sum or lose their crucial data. This type of attack costs companies over $75 billion in damages every year.
How to prevent it: Have a system in place that quickly recognizes ransomware before any data is encrypted. Back-up storage in the cloud is also a good idea; with data reserves, you won’t be forced to engage with cyber criminals to get your secure information back. You could also partner with an office solutions company that offers added layers of protection against ransomware.
2. Phishing
The most common security issue businesses face is phishing. More than likely, this is something you’ve experienced personally. Have you ever received a suspicious text or e-mail encouraging you to click on a link? There’s a reason this type of threat is referred to as “phishing.” Cyber criminals dangle a few enticing words in front of you, then hope that you’ll grab onto the hook. From there, you’ll either accidentally provide them with information or allow them into a secure account. In a business environment, phishing scams often appear as trusted contacts or clients. Once as they’ve received access to an account, they can try to receive payments from your workers.
How to prevent it: Have a stable e-mail security system in place like advanced e-mail filtering to detect phishing and remove it from all devices. Added training is also beneficial; employees should be able to recognize these scams themselves.
3. Malware
Malware and web-based threats are the two most costly attack types. Malware itself refers to any type of virus, spyware, trojan or adware. Typically, these attacks originate from online downloads, e-mails or direct connections to compromised devices. Unfortunately, malware can destroy a business’ machines and make them inoperable. This often leads to pricey repairs. Worst of all, cyber criminals can install back doors via malware. That means they can return and steal more data later.
How to prevent it: Safeguard all devices by installing anti-malware software and perform regular updates. Don’t allow anyone to visit malware sites or download suspicious files. Encourage your workers to use company technology rather than their own devices.
4. Easy-to-Guess Passwords
Many people still use passwords that are simple to guess. At work, employees may not be as motivated to protect their company’s data compared to their own personal information. Some of your workers might not even know how crucial this is. However, businesses should also be doing more to prevent this issue. 65% of companies have over 500 users who are not prompted to change their password regularly.
How to prevent it: Trigger password changes once every few months and train employees not to use easy passwords (or similar passwords across multiple accounts and devices).
5. Mobile Attacks
Mobile devices are particularly vulnerable to security threats. Unlike e-mails, phones often prompt us to respond quickly. This can encourage users to click on links before they realize what they’re doing. As our workplaces progress, more and more employees are working from their mobile devices. Some malware is specifically designed to attack phones and tablets, and this type of cyberattack will only become more advanced as time goes on.
How to prevent it: Develop and install security systems that incorporate mobile protection. When employees resign or they are let go, ensure that their company devices are returned and reset. Hire a trusted company that offers mobile device management for all of your company’s devices.
Partner with Nauticon to Prevent Security Issues and Protect Your Business
Nauticon is a leading provider of managed services, workflow solutions and other office technology solutions that can transform your workspace and help you resolve common office printer problems. If you are looking for a better way to meet your office’s needs, we are here to help. To learn more about our company and see how we can bring innovative, real-world solutions for your office’s needs to you, contact us today by calling (301) 279-0123.