6 Ways to Reduce Printing Costs

Posted by: Nauticon Office Solutions Comments: 0

Printed materials are essential for any business, but printing costs can get expensive. Unfortunately, many companies aren’t even aware of how much they’re spending. According to Buyer’s Laboratory, 90% of businesses don’t track their printing costs. This can have a major impact on your bottom line. If your business is struggling financially and you can’t pinpoint the cause, it could be your printing habits. 

Some companies print hundreds of documents per day, yet few individuals take the time to consider proper printing guidelines. More than likely, it just isn’t your top priority, but it’s well worth looking into. Don’t have the time? Nauticon Office Solutions is a top provider of managed print services, and we can help assess your current printing costs. For more information about how we can support your business, don’t hesitate to contact our experts.

1. Save on Color Printing

The cost of color ink is much higher than black and white ink. Of course, in some cases you’ll certainly need color. If you’re printing high resolution photos or attention-grabbing ad material, color is crucial. With that being said, you have to know when and how to use it. Printing several standard documents with colorful headers, for example, can be avoided. Do you often find yourself wondering if you could use black and white instead? Listen to your gut. You should only opt for color if the situation expressly calls for it. Otherwise, you’re wasting valuable resources that could be applied to other operational needs. 

2. Use Double-Sided Printing 

Ink, paper, and maintenance are the most expensive parts of printing. Since we’ve already discussed saving ink, you should also know the best way to save on paper. With duplex or double-sided printing, you can cut your costs in half. Not to mention, it’s much less wasteful for the environment. Making this selection takes just a few additional seconds, but it will save you loads in the long run. 

3. Choose the Right Font

You might not think selecting a certain font will help to reduce printing costs, but it can. Research by CNET shows that certain fonts actually use less ink than others. The most cost-efficient font choices include Century Gothic, Ecofont and Times New Roman. Arial, Tahoma, Trebuchet and Sans Serif, on the other hand, are much more expensive. While this may seem like a small detail, it can make a major difference in regard to revenue. Every penny counts, and minor costs accumulate over time. Plus, transitioning to a company-wide font is incredibly easy to do and takes minimal effort. 

4. Preview Your Documents

If you’re constantly re-printing documents that could have been printed once, it’s time to re-adjust your printing behavior. Yes, clicking the “print” button and speeding through the options can seem to increase productivity. When frequent errors occur, however, this only leads to frustration, wasted time and higher costs. For every document you need to re-print, you add ink, paper and maintenance costs to your monthly bill. By simply previewing your documents before printing, you can save yourself plenty of printing costs. 

5. Scan, Don’t Copy

In our digital age, copying is only necessary under specific circumstances. Today, it’s much simpler to scan a document, upload it and e-mail it to a colleague. Performing this easy action will reduce ink, paper and upkeep costs. Plus, the other person will be able to access the document whenever they need it. Documents can rip, tear or become damaged by water and other spills. If you scan and e-mail your material, it’ll stand the test of time.

6. Opt for Managed Print Services

If all of this sounds like too much work, there’s no need to fret. At Nauticon, our managed print services are designed to help you lower costs by up to 40%. As a result, your company will experience higher productivity, decreased downtime and much less hassle. In addition to supervising printing costs, we can optimize your fleet and boost your security in order to save you from unwanted threats. We understand that you’re busy. As a business owner, you have other things on your mind besides printing. Let us take the weight off your shoulders and help your company reach greater heights. 

We Can Help You Reduce Printing Costs with Our Managed Print Services

Nauticon is a leading provider of managed services, workflow solutions and other office technology solutions that can transform your workspace and help you resolve common office printer problems. If you are looking for a better way to meet your office’s needs, we are here to assist you. Are you interested in reducing printing costs? We completely understand, and we’re committed to helping you succeed. To learn more about our company and see how we can bring innovative, real-world solutions for your office’s needs to you, contact us today by calling (301) 279-0123.